Poroschenko’s Reformplan

Petro Poroshenko presented “Strategy of reforms – 2020”: The purpose of reforms is membership in the EU (press release, 25.09.2014)

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko presented “Strategy of reforms – 2020”. “The purpose of our ambitious reforms is to achieve European standards of life and prepare for the application for the EU membership in 2020,” the Head of State said.

According to the President, “our revolution has won with a delay of several centuries and we have only a few years to overcome this critical gap”.

Petro Poroshenko emphasizes that reforms must be systemic and touch upon all political, economic and social institutions. That's why “Strategy – 2020” provides for 60 reforms and special programs that must be launched almost simultaneously, he stressed.

The President called 8 top-priority spheres reforms in which resolve the most urgent problems or create institutional preconditions for the implementation of other reforms. These priorities are anti-corruption and judicial reforms, reformation of law enforcement bodies, decentralization and state governance reform, tax reform, deregulation and development of entrepreneurship, reformation of security and defense system, health-care reform.

“I would add two special urgent programs – energy independence and further popularization of Ukraine in the world,” the Head of State noted.

Petro Poroshenko called judicial reform the main one. “The essence of all reforms is to create good and fair rules instead of bad, unfair and unequal,” he said noting the role of courts in the given process.

“Judicial reform is a kind of initial reform, just like amendments in public administration. The whole state machine is customized by corruption interests,” the President said. According to him, reforms must be preceded by radical renewal of the government's staff.

The Head of State stressed: “I set a task for myself, for the brainstorming center of reforms in the Presidential Administration, for the Cabinet of Ministers: to elaborate a package of draft laws for the beginning of top-priority reforms by the first session of the newly elected Verkhovna Rada”. “By the way, on October 14, I will firmly demand the old Parliament to adopt the law on the National Anti-Corruption Bureau,” he stressed.

At the same time, the President emphasizes that elaboration and implementation of reforms must be carried out jointly with experts and civil society.

“Reforms must become a result of joint efforts of all branches of power, society and business. My function is to create political conditions favorable for the implementation of reforms,” Petro Poroshenko noted.

“Strategy – 2020” consists of three vectors: sustainable development of the country; security of the state, business and citizens; responsibility and social justice. The main precondition of this work must become a new social contract between the civil society, government and business where each side will have its own area of responsibility, the Head of State said.

The President particularly emphasizes that “Strategy – 2020” must unite all political forces around one common goal. “Political competition should move to the plane of finding optimal ways of implementation of reforms and achievement of a common goal. We shouldn't discuss where to go anymore. The topic of discussion is how to go there,” Petro Poroshenko noted.

Quelle: Press office of President of Ukraine, <http://www.president.gov.ua/en/news/31289.html>

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