Stellungnahmen der OSZE und der EU zu Gewalteskalation in der Ostukraine

OSCE Special Representative Erler on the situation in eastern Ukraine (09.04.2016)

BERLIN, 9 April 2016 – Gernot Erler, Special Representative of the Federal Government of Germany for the OSCE Chairmanship, today issued the following statement on OSCE reports of increasing violations of the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine and on the safety of OSCE monitors:

“The latest OSCE reports on increasing numbers of ceasefire violations and the presence of heavy weapons in the area of conflict in eastern Ukraine are worrying. I therefore call upon all sides to adhere to the agreements reached and to stop all fighting immediately. A sustainable ceasefire is urgently needed, not least in order to ensure progress at last in implementing the political obligations deriving from the agreements reached in Minsk.

I was particularly concerned at reports of a vehicle coming under fire and an SMM patrol being threatened at gunpoint in the separatist area. Attacks like this on civilian OSCE monitors are utterly unacceptable. All sides must finally and fully ensure monitors’ safety as well as their free and unrestricted access to the entire conflict area.”

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Statement by the Spokesperson on the latest developments in eastern Ukraine (10.04.2016)

The significant increase of ceasefire violations in the Donetsk region represents an unprecedented level of violence since the sides recommitted to the ceasefire in 2015. We back the call by Special Representative of the Federal Government of Germany for the OSCE Chairmanship, Gernot Erler, and urge all sides to take steps to de-escalate the situation and to fully honour their commitments. A sustainable ceasefire is urgently needed, not least to ensure progress at last in implementing the political obligations from the Minsk agreements. The recent incidents of targeting the OSCE SMM monitors are unacceptable. We call on all sides to refrain from such actions.

The EU continues to support the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and the diplomatic efforts within the Normandy format and the Trilateral Contact Group aiming at complete implementation of the Minsk agreements. Security on the ground is indispensable for a lasting political solution.

Quelle: <>

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Die Eskalation der Kämpfe im Donbass

Von Wojciech Kononczuk, Marek Menkiszak, Andrzej Wilk
Seit dem 11. Januar 2015 gibt es im Donbass wieder regelmäßige Kämpfe zwischen Einheiten prorussischer Separatisten und den Truppen der ukrainischen Armee. Es sind die heftigsten Zusammenstöße seit dem Waffenstillstand im September 2014, ihr Zentrum ist der Flughafen von Donezk. Am 22. Januar waren die ukrainischen Truppen gezwungen, den völlig zerstörten neuen Terminal des Flughafens Donezk aufzugeben, was den vollständigen Verlust des Flughafens bedeutete, der zum Symbol der Begrenzung der separatistischen Bewegung in der Ostukraine geworden war. (…)
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