
Ausgabe 23 (19.10.2015), S. 2–3

Strategische Repression und eine zersplitterte Opposition sichern Lukaschenkas Macht

Lesetipps / Bibliographie

  • Ash, Konstantin. 2015. “The Election Trap: The Cycle of Post-electoral Repression and Opposition Fragmentation in Lukashenko’s Belarus,” Democratization 22(6): 1030–1053.
  • Blaydes, Lisa. 2011. Elections and Distributive Politics in Mubarak’s Egypt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce, James Morrow, Randolph Siverson and Alastair Smith. 2003. The Logic of Political Survival. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Komireddi, Kapil. 4. Oktober 2011. “Belarus, Europe’s Last Dictatorship, Uses WikiLeaks to Target Dissidents,” Tablet. Abgerufen am 4. Oktober 2015. <>;
  • Magaloni, Beatriz. 2008. Voting For Autocracy: Hegemonic Party Survival and its Demise in Mexico. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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