Dritte Kreditgarantie der USA für die Ukraine

U.S. Signs Loan Guarantee Agreement For Ukraine


The United States and Ukraine signed today a $1 billion loan guarantee agreement, the third $1 billion loan guarantee provided by the U.S. to Ukraine since May 2014. This guarantee reinforces the United States’ strong commitment to the people of Ukraine by strengthening the Government of Ukraine as it continues to institute reforms that reduce corruption, improve the business climate, stabilize the economy, and make the government more responsive to the people.

“The $1 billion loan guarantee will help support the Government of Ukraine as it continues to implement its economic reform agenda,” U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt said. “The guarantee sends a strong signal of the United States’ continued support for Ukraine as it pursues reforms that fulfill the Ukrainian people’s aspirations for a prosperous and democratic future.”

The U.S. loan guarantee is part of a comprehensive international financial package. When issued, the loan guarantee will provide the Government of Ukraine with access to affordable financing from international capital markets, enabling it to provide critical services and protect the most vulnerable Ukrainians from the impact of necessary economic adjustments as it implements key reforms.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman, Ukrainian Minister of Finance Oleksandr Danylyuk, Ambassador Pyatt, and Acting Mission Director for the U.S. Agency for International Development Joel Sandefur participated in the signing ceremony in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Quelle: <http://ukraine.usembassy.gov/statements/loan-06032016.html>

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