Präsident Poroschenko genehmigt Informationssicherheitsdoktrin der Ukraine

President approved Information Security Doctrine of Ukraine (25.02.2017)

President Petro Poroshenko signed a Decree that enacts the NSDC decision “On the Information Security Doctrine of Ukraine” and approved the Doctrine. The document comes into force on the date of its publication.

As stated in the document, the necessity of adoption of the Information Security Doctrine of Ukraine is caused by the emergence of topical threats to national security in the information sphere, as well as by the need to determine innovative approaches to formation of the protection system and development of the information space in conditions of globalization and free flow of information.

The goal of the Doctrine is to clarify principles of formation and implementation of the state information policy, first of all with a view to counter the destructive information impact of Russia in conditions of hybrid war unleashed by it.

The document defines national interests of Ukraine in the information sphere, threats to their implementation, directions and priorities of the state policy in the information sphere. Its legal basis is the Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine, National Security Strategy of Ukraine approved by President’s Decree no. 287 of May 26, 2016, as well as international treaties approved as binding by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

To implement the Doctrine, the NSDC must coordinate the activities of the executive bodies to ensure national security in the information sphere. Taking into account special conditions and holding of aggressive information war against our state not only on its territory, but also in the world, ensuring the implementation of the Doctrine is possible only in case of proper coordination of measures taken by all state authorities. The National Security and Defense Council will also determine the key measures under the provisions of the document.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine will ensure the implementation of the information policy of the state, funding of programs related to information security, direct and coordinate functioning of ministries and other executive bodies in this sphere.

The Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine shall be responsible for organization and monitoring of media and public resources of national Internet segment in order to identify the information banned in Ukraine. The Ministry of Information Policy will also conduct monitoring of threats to national interests and national security in the information sphere.

Besides, the Ministry must form current priorities of the state information policy and control their implementation, coordinate the activities of central and local executive bodies in the sphere of ensuring Ukraine’s information sovereignty, governmental communications, crisis communications, particularly during the anti-terrorist operation and in special period.

It is also obliged to elaborate and implement the strategy of information maintenance of the process of liberation and reintegration of temporarily occupied territories.

In addition, the Ministry of Information Policy must facilitate the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in reporting and presenting the official position of Ukraine in foreign media.

The Doctrine also sets a series of tasks for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense, Security Service of Ukraine, State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection, intelligence bodies and National Institute for Strategic Studies.

Quelle: <>

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