OSZE-Beobachter in der Ostukraine durch Mine getötet

Spot Report: One SMM patrol member dead, two taken to hospital after vehicle hits possible mine near Pryshyb

On 23 April an SMM patrol consisting of six members and two armoured vehicles was driving near “LPR”-controlled Pryshyb (34km north-west of Luhansk) on a secondary road previously used by the SMM. At 11:17, one of the SMM vehicles (second in line), with three members on board, was severely damaged as a result of an explosion, possibly after coming into contact with a mine.

Consequently, a male paramedic died and the two other patrol members (one male and one female) were taken to Luhansk Regional Hospital for further medical examination. The other three SMM members from the unaffected vehicle were safely transported back to the SMM base in “LPR”-controlled Kadiivka (formerly Stakhanov, 50km west of Luhansk). No mine hazard signs were visible along the road.

The Trilateral Contact Group and other signatories of the Memorandum of 19 September 2014 prohibited the laying of mines and other explosive devices, and stipulated that all previously laid must be removed. The role of the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination (JCCC) in co-ordinating mine clearance is set out in the TCG’s Decision on Mine Action of 3 March 2016.

Quelle: <http://www.osce.org/special-monitoring-mission-to-ukraine/312971>

Internationale Reaktionen
Ertuğrul Apakan, Leiter der OSZE-Beobachtermission

(…) “I reiterate my call for sustainable cease-fire, withdrawal of weapons, full demining and real commitment to peace. And I ask that those responsible for placing mines are held accountable.

In spite of this tragedy, we remain committed to fulfilling our mandate and contributing to bring peace to the people of Ukraine.” (…)

Quelle: <http://www.osce.org/special-monitoring-mission-to-ukraine/312986>

Federica Mogherini, EU-Außenbeauftragte

(…) “Full implementation of the Minsk agreements remains the basis for a sustainable solution that respects Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The European Union will continue to support the vital work of the OSCE and its Special Monitoring Mission, which must be granted full, secure and unimpeded access to all conflict-affected areas, with safety of monitors of crucial importance. The EU will also continue to support de-mining efforts.” (…)

Quelle: <https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-homepage/24942/statement-high-representativevice-president-federica-mogherini-killing-osce-smm-monitor-non_en>

Sigmar Gabriel, Außenminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

(…) »Die OSZE-Beobachter machen Tag für Tag unermüdlich hervorragende Arbeit. Es ist ihr Verdienst, dass es in den letzten Jahren zu keiner noch größeren militärischen Eskalation in der Ostukraine gekommen ist. Die unsäglichen Angriffe und ungerechtfertigten Beschuldigungen besonders von Seiten der Separatisten müssen aufhören. Es ist im Interesse aller, allen voran der Konfliktparteien an der Kontaktlinie, dass die OSZE-Beobachter ihrer wichtigen und unentbehrlichen, gleichzeitig schwierigen und gefährlichen Arbeit nachgehen können.«

Quelle: <http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/DE/Infoservice/Presse/Meldungen/2017/170423_Ukraine.html>

Mark C. Toner, Sprecher des US-Außenministeriums

(…) “This incident makes clear the need for all sides—and particularly the Russian-led separatist forces—to implement their commitments under the Minsk Agreements immediately. This includes a real and durable ceasefire, withdrawal of heavy weapons, and disengagement from the line of contact. (…)

The United States again calls upon Russia to use its influence with the separatists to take the first step toward peace to eastern Ukraine and ensure a visible, verifiable, and irreversible improvement in the security situation.”

Quelle: <https://ua.usembassy.gov/death-special-monitoring-mission-member-eastern-ukraine/>

Erklärung des Außenministeriums der Russischen Föderation

(…) “The circumstances of the incident suggest that there is a high probability of a provocation aimed at derailing the settlement in Donbass. It is obvious that incidents of this kind and the overall escalation of tension benefit those who are not interested in the implementation of the political, economic and humanitarian provisions of the Minsk Package of Measures.

The Foreign Ministry is outraged by the cynical act that resulted in a human casualty and targeted international monitors whose efforts are aimed at achieving peace. We call for a thorough and unbiased investigation and holding the perpetrators accountable.” (…)

Quelle: <http://www.mid.ru/en/foreign_policy/news/-/asset_publisher/cKNonkJE02Bw/content/id/2735465>

Erklärung des Außenministeriums der Ukraine

(…) “We consider the serious incident, which occurred inside territory controlled and supported by Russia and illegally armed groups, a confirmation of Moscow’s and its puppets’ attempts to intimidate the OSCE and nullify the efforts of Ukraine and the SMM to stabilize the situation on the contact line.

We call on Russia to fulfill its obligations under the Minsk agreements, to take all urgent measures in order to immediately stop provocations against OSCE observers, and to ensure full security of the SMM and its unhindered access to all occupied territory, including to the temporarily uncontrolled sections of the Ukrainian–Russian border.

Ukraine will do everything possible to ensure an immediate, full and impartial investigation of the crime in order to bring the perpetrators to justice.”

Quelle: <http://mfa.gov.ua/en/press-center/news/56601-komentar-ministerstva-zakordonnih-sprav-ukrajini-u-zvjazku-iz-zagibellyu-ta-poranennyam-sposterigachiv-specialynoji-monitoringovoji-misiji-obse-v-ukrajini>

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Von Stefan Meister
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